St. Charles Asset Management

The Village of St. Charles was awarded a $498,546 grant through the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) Storm Water, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW) program to develop asset management plans for the Village’s wastewater and storm water systems. Spicer Group assisted the Village with applying for the SAW funds, used Mobile Mapping technology to survey and scan the entire Village, and then developed the asset management plans for their storm water and wastewater system. At the same time, Spicer also developed asset management plans for the Village’s drinking water system and streets. This is the first time St. Charles has had an asset management plan completed for its infrastructure. Building four plans at once allowed the Village to take advantage of cost-saving measures within the work, and built a more comprehensive picture for future planning.


White Cloud Pump Station


Manistee Sanitary Sewer Improvements