Lexington Pump Station Replacement

Spicer Group provided the survey, design and construction inspection for the new Village of Lexington Pump Station Replacement project. This pump station serves the entire Village and pumps the wastewater north to the Village’s lagoon treatment system through the existing force main. The original drypit station was installed in the late 1980’s and needed to be upgraded. The station’s firm pump capacity was increased from 650 gpm to 800 gpm. The new duplex suction lift pump station has skid-mounted pumps, valves, and controls located inside a new building. The controls include variable frequency drives to increase system efficiency and the station is controlled by an air bubbler system with back-up floats provided. The improvements also included installing a new 12-foot-diameter, 22-foot-deep concrete wet well, an autodialer alarm system, and a portable generator receptacle.


Almont WWTP Improvements


Saginaw Township WWTP Improvements