M-46 at Cumberland St Pump Station Rehabilitation

In the City of Saginaw, M-46, or East Holland Avenue, dips below grade as it travels underneath railroad tracks near the I-75 and M-46 interchange. To prevent the roadway from flooding beneath the railroad tracks, MDOT had previously installed a pump station to control the flow of stormwater.

Components of the pump station had reached the end of their useful life cycle and MDOT hired Spicer Group is provide full-time inspection and material testing services to the MDOT Bay City TSC for the rehabilitation of the M-46 Cumberland Street pump station. Spicer Group’s team also performed constructability reviews for the project plans prior to construction to review for potential design errors and omissions.

The project involved the complete removal and replacement of all the mechanical, electrical, and lighting components for the pump station. With the two new 30hp vertical mix flow pumps capable of pumping 1,200 gallons per minute, it will ensure a safe roadway for the motorists traveling along M-46 heading to and from the City of Saginaw.


M-13, M-47 and M-53 Traffic Signal Modernization


Traffic Signal Modernization: M58 at Hemeter Road