Fulton Street Drain

Residents in the Village of Mayville are resting easier during major stormwater events now that the newly-established Fulton Street Drain is providing an adequate outlet for runoff from the Village. Prior to these improvements, runoff from storm events would cause significant damage to commercial and residential properties near Fulton Street. The freeze-thaw effect from water over the roadway was also causing significant deterioration to the pavement, leading to dangerous driving conditions.

After being petitioned by the Village to identify a solution, the Tuscola County Drain Commissioner teamed with Spicer Group who discovered that many sections of the 100-year-old clay-tile storm drains were broken, collapsed, and had very limited inlet capacity. These issues were the main causes of the flooding problems. The project team recommended establishing a new drain through the Village, which included 2,280 feet of open-channel drain and 1,730 feet of enclosed drain that ranged in depths from 4 feet to 8 feet. A new 36-inch storm sewer was also proposed to replace the original 18-inch sewer at the outlet of the enclosed drain. After a Board of Determination Meeting, the project was deemed necessary. Construction on the project was completed in the Summer of 2017.

A unique design component incorporated into the project was the use of an existing 1.6-acre wetland area to store and filter stormwater. The project team directed all stormwater flows to this area and added a new 36-inch outlet at the upper end of the wetland area. The wetland area serves as an excellent detention area, allowing discharge in heavy storm events to collect without causing flooding upstream or downstream.


Hemlock Tile Drain


Belden Tile Drain